
POCKETUNVIERSE: The best free chrome extension to protect your Crypto wallet.

Pocketuniverse is one of the best free chrome extension to protect your crypto wallet by simulating the transaction virtually for you to review before taking any action. WOOOW

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How it works
Normally, your wallet sends transactions to the blockchain through a server called an RPC node. Here's what that looks like.

PocketUniverse adds one layer of safety.

We simulate your transaction on a copy of the blockchain and check if you're signing a safe transaction.

After the safety checks, you can decide whether you want to continue the transaction on your wallet or if you want to cancel it.

Pocket Universe only reads your transactions and simulates the outcome. It has no ability to move your assets whatsoever.

Looking to protect your organization?
We're also building community and enterprise solutions to protect members and minimize operational risk.
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